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Последна промяна: 27.08.2013 19:01
(1933 to present)
Sun Zhi Jun was born in the family village that houses the Cheng clan. Cheng style is one of the most famous and wide spread branches of Bagua. It was developed originally by the famous boxer, Cheng Ting Hua. When Cheng met his death at the hands of foreign troops during the "Boxer Rebellion" (1900) his brother escaped the same fate. This brother, Chen Dian Hua, taught his own son, Cheng You Sheng who became Sun"s teacher.
Sun also takes some of his training from the Liang Zhen Pu branch and its major disciple Li Zi Ming. Sun also studied with Liu Zi Yang and Liang De Quan.
From Cheng You Sheng"s severe instruction, Sun developed his in depth studies and Lower Basin Style Bagua leg strength.
Regarding his achievements in Xing Yi: Sun was a disciple of Cheng You Xin (son of Cheng Ting Hua and apprentive of Li Cun Yi). Practitioners of Cheng village worked side by side on Bagua and Xing Yi. After Cheng"s death Sun continued practicing because he loved the style. He often collaborated with his junior, the well known, Qian Wen Zhang. He returned to Cheng village to exchange information with Ma Ming Shu (son of Ma Zhen Yu"s who was Li Cun Yi"s nephew).
In 1964 Sun went on to become a double Weapon and Empty Handed forms champion in the Beijing Wushu Championships.
1983 at the All China Traditional Wushu Conference Sun won a gold medal and was assessed as All China"s outstanding wushu athlete.That same year he took over the Beijing East Village Wushu Guan teaching athletic and International classes in Bagua Zhang. He has been instructing there ever since.
In 1986 At a Chinese convention of traditional practices, Sun was selected to represent the Bagua contingent.
In 1991 he traveled to Japan on a cultural exchange program. This garnered him a Special Recognition
In 1992 he took trips to Singapore to spread the influence of Cheng style Bagua. During this time he also began presenting videos to the public with open instruction.
In 2004 he won two gold medals for Bagua and Bagua Saber in the First International Traditional Wushu Competition in Zheng Zhou, Henan.
Among his achievements Sun has been awarded an eight duan (8-th dan) in Wushu. He is considered the fourth generation inheritor of the Cheng style. Formerly, he was the head of monitors of the Bagua Study seminar of the Third Committee of Beijing Wushu Association and is now a member of the Beijing Sports and Martial Arts Association.
Grandmaster Sun Zhijun is known as one of the largest martial artist of applications (yunfa) in Bagua.
Известния възпитаник на грандмайстор Сун Джиджун - инструктора Уан Демин обучава нови ученици.
Грандмайстор Сун Джиджун сред свои ученици в школата в Пекин.
Двама известни ученици на грандмайстор Сун Джиджун - петкратната шампионка на Китай по Ба-Гуа Гъ Чунян (в дясно) и Уан Демин, които сега са водещи инструктори по Ба-Гуа и Син-И.
* 1983-86 Was appointed by the Chinese Wu Shu association, as an exclusive commissar of Cheng style to compile information on Cheng Style Baguazhang and weapons.
* 1990 Conventional Chinese Martial Arts VCD
* 1992 Ba Gua Zhang
* 1992 Cheng Style Ba Gua Zhang
* 1994; 2004 Swimming Body interlinked Ba Gua Zhang Book
* 2001 Swimming Body interlinked Ba Gua Zhang VCD
* 2005 Ba Gua Zhang Counter-Attack VCD
* 2005 Ba Gua Saber Counter-Attack VCD
* 2005 Elaborations on the Applications Of Swimming Body Interlinked Ba Gua Zhang VCD
* 2005 Hei Bei Xing Yi Boxing VCD
В заключение трябва да отбележим, че грандмайстор Сун Джиджун е известен в Кунг-Фу/У-Шу средите с бойните си умения и бойните приложения (юнфа) от Ба-Гуа-Джан, въпреки, че той е майстор и в стила Син-И-Цюан. Системата на грандмайстор Сун Джиджун по Ба-Гуа съдържа следните форми (таолу) и елементи:
1. Базова работа (дзибънгун) и упражнения за качество (гунфа).
2. Стъпки и ходене по кръга; позиции.
3. Единична практика на отделни движения и техники.
4. "8-те неподвижни длани" (Дин Ши Ба Джан).
5. "8-те големи длани" (Ба Да Джан).
6. Ба-Гуа на плуващото тяло (Ю Шен Ба-Гуа-Джан).
7. Бойни приложения (юнфа) на формите и техниките.
8. Договорени форми (Дуй-Лян); с голи ръце и с оръжие.
9. Традиционни оръжия: голяма сабя, меч, Ба-Гуа секири и копие.

Грандмайстор Сун Джиджун и петкратната шампионка на Китай по Ба-Гуа Гъ Чунян по време на тренировка.

2. Най-големият български портал за бойни изкуства
3. Кунг-фу майстор на 116 г.
4. Световната конспирация срещу здравето
5. проф. Григорий Климов
6. Непознатата история
7. Любим линк
8. Любим линк
9. Двери на Православието
10. Пръст сложен където трябва!
11. Фондацията на д-р Матиас Рат
12. Исторически изследвания; история на България
13. Школа "Златен Дракон"; Кунг-Фу, традиционни бойни изкуства
14. "Онгъл" патриотична неформална организация
15. "Древна България" историческа група
16. "Големите 5 лъжи..." историческа група
17. Българска федерация по Кунг-Фу и Тай-Чи
18. Школа "Златен Дракон" /втори сайт/